Digital Literacy & Computer Science


Agenda 3/18-3/21

#14 – Do Now – What kinds of animations could you make by combining sprite properties with the counter pattern? Consider both adding and subtracting from properties, or even updating multiple properties at the same time.

What would happen to a sprite if you constantly increased its  x  property?
What would happen to a sprite if you constantly increased its  y  property?
What about other properties, or combining multiple properties?


I CAN use the counter pattern to increment or decrement sprite properties.
I CAN identify which sprite properties need to be change, and in what way, to achieve a specific movement.


1. Finish Lesson 7 then share Puzzle 12 (L7P12) on Google Classroom

Skip Lesson 8 – We may go back to it if we need to reinforce the counter loop concept.

2. Complete all of Unit 3 Lesson 9 (U3L9).
When you complete Lesson 9, share your work from Puzzle 15 (L9P15) on Google Classroom

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