Digital Literacy & Computer Science


Agenda 11/14-11/20

#11 – Do Now – A variable has both a “name” and a “value”. Variables are like boxes or containers that hold a value (or information).
Take a guess here, how can variables be used in programming?

I CAN identify a variable as a way to label and reference a value in a program.
I CAN use variables in a program to store a piece of information that is used multiple times.


We will watch this video together:
[YouTube Video – Variables Part 1]

1. Complete all of Unit 3 Lesson 5 (U3L5) (with your partner). Remember to use pair programming and link them.
2. Remember the maps in each course are useful resources to reference if you get stuck.
3. When you complete Lesson 5, share your work from Bubble #12


Agenda 2/20 – 2/28

#8 – Do Now When you think of an App on your phone or device what do you think an “Event” might be? What is the most common UL Element (User Interface Element) that creates and event?


I CAN Write programs that respond to user input
I CAN Integrate screens designed by others into an app of my own
I CAN Collaborate with others to develop an interactive prototype


CSD – Unit #4 L13 – Linking Screens (on Code.org)


Agenda 2/14-2/15 (vacation) 2/25

#10 – Do Now – Most challenging thing in Game Lab so far?


I CAN use and reason about drawing commands with multiple parameters.
I CAN generate and use random numbers in a program.


Lesson 4: Shapes and Randomization (complete all steps and save/remix step 13)
On step 13 – Free Play Project include the following and POST your project link on Google Classroom to share with your classmates.

  1. background
  2. ellipse
  3. rect
  4. randomNumber


Agenda 2/14-2/15

#7 – Do Now What are some UI (User Interface) elements that you can use in App Lab?


I CAN Translate a paper prototype into a digital format
I CAN Select the appropriate input element for a given type of information


CSD – Unit #4 L12 – Digital Design (on Code.org)


Agenda 2/7-2/8

#8 – Do Now – “Beta”  is the edition of a game that’s ALMOST complete (not the final version), and is released to the public to gather feedback about how well it works.
Why would a game developer want to publish a game in beta before completing it?

#9 – Do Now – What problem is the grid helping to solve in Game Lab?
Have you seen different ways of solving this problem in the past? What are they?


I CAN understand and use the Game Lab IDE to create simple drawings that sequence code correctly to overlap shapes.


1. Watch this clip to introduce Game Lab:

2. Complete Unit 3 Lesson 3 (U3L3) with your partner. Remember to use pair programming and link them.
Screen capture puzzle #9, #12, #13, & #14 and add to your Activity Worksheet posted on Google Classroom.


Agenda 1/7-1/8

#7 – DO NOW – Why do we seek out entertainment…whether it’s movies, music, art, games, or any number of other forms of entertainment, what problem does entertainment solve for us?

What is your favorite form of entertainment, and what problem does it solve for you?


I CAN identify how Computer Science is used in a field of entertainment.


1. We will complete U3L1-3 code.org


Agenda 2/5-2/6

#6 –DO NOW – Go to http://games.thinkingmyself.com/ and select the “Algorithms” button. Did this tutorial help you define the concept? When you repeat an instruction over and over…..what is it called?

I CAN define and write an algorithm.


U1L6  – Algorithms – See Google Classroom

Unit #1 Quiz – Link on Google Classroom

Chapter 2: Computers and Problem Solving – Big Questions

  1. How do computers help people to solve problems?
  2. How do people and computers approach problems?
  3. What does a computer need from people in order to solve problems effectively?


Agenda 2/5 – 2/8

  • Warm Up = typing.com
  • Lesson = See Google Classroom: Be Internet Awesome – Lesson #4 – It’s Cool to Be Kind
    Be Internet Awesome Quiz (on Google Classroom)
  • Summary = Add to Activity Worksheet


Agenda 1/2-1/9

#5 – Do Now Think of an App that helps you solve a problem. What does this app do? How does it work? Who was it developed/designed for?

#6 – Do Now After brainstorming last class, what is the idea for your app? What is the user group and what are their needs? What idea does another group in the room have?


I CAN Identify ways in which apps can effect social change (L8)
I CAN Locate apps that address a specific user group or need (L9)
I CAN Identify the user needs being addressed by an app (L9)
I CAN Communicate the design and intended use of program (L10)
I CAN Demonstrate the user flow through an app’s design using a paper prototype (L10)


CSD – Unit #4 L8 – Designing Apps For Good  L9- Research & L10 – Paper Prototyping (see google classroom)

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