Cyber Bullying Project

Students will be able to …

  • analyze bullying behaviors.
  • learn about the various ways that students can be cyber bullied, including flaming, deceiving, and harassing.
  • develop a PSA about cyber bullying to teach others about this issue.

Your PSA needs to be entertaining enough to make people want to listen to it/watch it. Remove sections of silences, or the sound of someone rambling on incoherently. Creating an effective podcast or movie is like preparing a good speech: you need to first understand your audience and then present your content in a way they can relate to. You should first write an outline, this will help you to avoid any awkward silences, and also help you to develop your ideas into a strong presentation.

Plan Your Project

Decide Project Type:

  • Interview (like a radio show or news broadcast)
  • Documentary (an experience you have had)
  • Instructional (guide to teach other students about cyber bullying)

Decide Media Type (what software will you use):

  • Podcast (only audio) or Rap Song – Audacity
  • Movie – MovieMaker
  • Online tools; Go Animate, xtra-noamal, etc.

As you work through the Cyber Bullying Web sites, consider the following:

  • What is Cyber Bullying and how and where does it occur?
  • What is the impact on the victims? (include some examples from your research)
  • How can it be stopped?
  • What can students do if they are being bullied online?
  • What should parents do?

Try to find as much information as you can about Cyber Bullying. You should look for information about the variety of methods and techniques used by the Cyber Bully.
Your goal is inform others about this very important topic. Your information needs to be complete and accurate.

Write and Outline => Rough Draft to Be Approved
Record your findings in MS Word during the research. Save file as: Cyber_StudentsFirstLastName in your grade folder in the CyberBullying folder in your group folder.
When writing your draft, include:

  • Introduction
  • Content (Questions & Answers Addressed)
  • Conclusion

Storyboard worksheet to plan you movie
Review how to use the software
Audacity – How to Guide
Movie Maker

Start creating your project
Continually check and revise your work


  • Keep the conversation and messages flowing
  • If the podcast consists of 2 or more people, it should flow like a conversation in order to sound valid
  • Do not sound too scripted when communicating your messages or reading from a paper with a mundane voice. Sound excited. Not fake and rehearsed.
  • Try not to have background noise; this will be difficult in a noisy classroom. Respect when other students are trying to record – take turns.

Audacity – Podcasting 101

Watch this Movie on MovieMaker Basics

Getting Start with MovieMaker

Movie Storyboard Page: