Digital Literacy & Computer Science


3/4 – 3/8

#12 – Do Now – We have only written programs that put simple shapes on the screen. Come up with a list of all of the different pieces of information that you have used to control how these shapes are drawn.

How do you tell a shape where to go on the screen?
How do you tell a shape what size it needs to be?
How do you tell a shape what color it should be?
What about its outline?


CO: I CAN Assign a sprite to a variable and use dot notation to update a sprite’s properties
LO: I CAN Create a static scene combining sprites, shapes, and text


1. Complete all of Unit 3 Lesson 6 (U3L6) with your partner (optional). Remember to use pair programming and link them.

2. Remember the maps in each course are useful resources to reference if you get stuck.

3. When you complete Lesson 6, share your work from Puzzle 17 on Google classroom.

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