Digital Literacy & Computer Science


Agenda 9/26 – 9/28

12&13 –DO NOW – Take a few minutes to brainstorm what your website will be about and some content you would like to share that could be structured as a list. Ask if you need an example.

REVIEW – JOURNAL #6  – HTML TAGS, the language of the World Wide Web. HTML uses tags to structure content on web pages. Think of as many tags as you remember and give a description of what they do. (Insert a table on your page with 2 columns and at least 10 rows – in one column label: Tag and in the other label: Description)


I CAN  use the <ol>, <ul>, and <li> tags to create ordered and unordered lists in an HTML page.
I CAN create and name a new HTML page.


Unit 2 Chapter 1: Web Content & HTML – Big Questions
Why do people create websites?
How can text communicate content and structure on a web page?
How can I incorporate content I find online into my own webpage?
What strategies can I use when coding to find and fix issues?

1. Finish Headers – Unit 2 Chapter 1 Lesson 4 Stage 9-10 in the Code Studio. Create your website.

2. Then start: Unit 2 Chapter 1 Lesson 6 Stage 2-8 in the Code Studio – Making list in HTML and adding a webpage to your website.

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