Digital Literacy & Computer Science


Agenda 9/15-9/21

#6 –DO NOW – So far we have looked closely at input, output, and processing. We haven’t looked much at “storage” in the context of a computer. What things might a computer need to store in order to work? Can you think of any examples of something a computer stores?


I CAN provide examples of common types of information that is stored on a computer.
I CAN explain the need for storage as part of processing information with a computer.
I CAN develop an algorithm that incorporates storage considerations.


See Google Classroom
U1-L7 Storage and Processing in Google Classroom

Chapter 2: Computers and Problem Solving – Big Questions

  1. How do computers help people to solve problems?
  2. How do people and computers approach problems?
  3. What does a computer need from people in order to solve problems effectively?
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